Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Poison Called Bacillus Thuringitesis ( Bt ) Toxin

poison called Bacillus Thuringitesis (BT) toxin in every cell and every bite of it. Although the biotech seed companies like Monsanto claim that their genetically modified organisms (GM) are harmless, that s not what the independent scientists are finding† in their researches (Smith, 2015, n.p). The gastrointestinal (GI) symptomatology affecting autistic kids appear to resemble the same problems in animals fed with GMO food. In both, the inflammation in the GI tract increased permeability, caused the imbalances in the intestinal bacteria and the† leaking gut effect†. The GMO grains modified food was introduced in 1990 to feed farm animals and increase the productivity and resistance to diseases supposedly. In contrast, an increased of the incidence of ileitis on animals increased proportionally with the introduction of these products. This thesis was corroborated when the affected animals switched to non-GMOs nutrition and all signs and symptoms disappeared, d igestion improved, antibiotic treatment of the animals was not necessary causing improvement of health and milk production. Non- GMOs nutrition increased also the conception rate in the animal and even the behavioral issues documented like agitation, irritability, nervousness and antisocial behaviors improved and /or disappeared too, concluding that GMOs diet was affecting animals ‘health and natural and organic nutrition cured them and actually, improved productivity of the animals. How do GMOs foods can

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